Happy New Year 2019!

Added on by the ikebana shop.

Akemashite omedetou gozaimasu! 明けましておめでとうございます。

We thank you for your continued support this past year and look forward to seeing you all in 2019. May the Year of the Pig keep your piggy banks full throughout the year!

My Ikebana: Nova Scotia Holly

Added on by the ikebana shop.

Winter time in Nova Scotia. Lots of festive materials in the farmer’s market. I came upon these wonderful bundles of Nova Scotia holly.


And from there came my winter holiday-themed arrangement!

Merry Christmas! —Miyako

My Ikebana: Heavy Hydrangea

Added on by the ikebana shop.

This arrangement was from a few months ago…when the weather was still warm! I found some lovely hydrangea with robust blooms in purple and green. I purposely chose very flat containers to further draw attention to the flowers.


Extra Detail: I left some space between the mouth of the container and the flowers so that the shape of the container may be properly appreciated as well!

I hope you like it. —Miyako

New Pull-Top Can, Same Great Matcha

Added on by the ikebana shop.

Our matcha now comes in new, shiny cans! It’s not just a facelift; it brings more functionality and convenience. The new cans are pull-top. The matcha stays freshly sealed until you pull it open.


We retire the inside foil bag, which served well to protect the matcha from exposure (thank you for your service!). but was messy when scooping the tea out! Now, the can can be the container when opened. The lid is lined to make it more air-tight when firmly closed.


Contents remain the same at net 40g but there is a small change in price. Old price: 19.00. New price: 19.50. Well worth the extra convenience!

Buy it online here.

No-Bag Discount

Added on by the ikebana shop.

We know you like our green plastic bags; but for those times when you tell us: “I don’t need a bag.” we’d like to thank you somehow. So, on a trial basis for the month of December, we’ll give you 5¢ back every time you forgo a plastic bag. It’s a small gesture but hopefully it adds that extra encouragement to reduce the one-time use of plastic bags.

No worries if you do need a bag, we’ll still have them for you!


Happy shopping! See you soon!

My Ikebana: Tsubo on TV

Added on by the ikebana shop.

In the Season 8 opener of CBC’s hit comedy series “Mr. D”, the main character, Gerry, goes to Tokyo to seek his fortune. Here is a screenshot of a scene set in a Tokyo apartment. Do you see the ikebana?

Screenshot from “Mr. D”, Season 8, Ep 1, aired on Nov 7th, 2018.  Watch the episode here. (For Canadian audiences only.)

Screenshot from “Mr. D”, Season 8, Ep 1, aired on Nov 7th, 2018.
Watch the episode here. (For Canadian audiences only.)

“Mr. D” is actually shot here in Halifax and the school they use for most of the scenes is located a few blocks from our shop! The set department did a wonderful job of re-creating the inside of a Tokyo apartment here in Halifax. We were honoured to help with this by providing an ikebana arrangement to the set.

Photo courtesy of Barb L. Thank you!

We hope you enjoyed the show….and liked the ikebana!

My Ikebana: Dry Corn

Added on by the ikebana shop.

In ikebana, we like to use seasonal materials to remind us of our connection with nature and to make us aware of the passage of time. In autumn in Nova Scotia brings out pumpkins, squashes and dry corn, used for displays to celebrate the autumn harvest.

In this arrangement, I use some dry corn, which could be found in any market in the fall.

Here is the whole arrangement.

I hope you like it. —Miyako